Student Voice
Youngmin from South Korea -April 2015 admission
It has been nearly a month since the entrance ceremony, and I am quite surprised to find myself pleasantly studying through the holidays for classes. ...
Wang Ziran from China -2011 admission
As time flies, my fourth year in Kyoto University is about to end. I would like to share my experience in this year.Since the end of April last year, ...
Zhang Guoyu from China -2013 admission
It’s my second year since I became a student of Kyoto University, and I would like to share my experience with you about my second semester as a sopho ...
Ryo Tonda from Japan -2012 admission
I stayed in Laos for two weeks to join the road construction internship program in Obayashi-Obayashi Road Joint Venture in September.The project is ab ...
Johanes Jefry Prasetyo from Indonesia -2013 admission
It has been almost one and half year since I began my journey as an international student in Kyoto University. My life here in Japan has been so aweso ...
Nobuki Fukui from Japan - 2013 admission
In this summer, interested students in my class signed up for a bridge model contest. I was a member of that contest. We were supposed to make a woode ...
Jin Rui from Dalian, China -2014 admission
It’s been 4 months since I get to Kyoto and it is already the end of the first semester. This 4-month study has become a real great experience for me. ...
Rosyad Hisbussalam from Indonesia -2014 admission
I’ve been living in Japan for three months, and it has been really a great experience for me. It feels that the time moves so fast. I just realize tha ...
Hossam ELSakka from Egypt -2014 admission
I’ve been here for exactly 60 days, and lived more than 60 new experiences. I remember my very first day in Kyoto, my tutor picked me up from the dorm ...
Zhao Shiyuan from China -2014 admission
Being a freshman this year, I am really curious about what Kyoto University and Kyoto are like. And I am here now to start my adventure. I have to say ...