Laboratories and Academic Staff
The laboratories constituting EREE belong to the Department of Civil and Earth Resources Engineering and the Department of Urban and Environmental Engineering of the Graduate School of Engineering as well as the Department of Energy Science and Technology of the Graduate School of Energy Science.
Department of Civil and Earth Resources Engineering
Chair/Laboratory | |
Earth Resources Engineering |
Studies on geophysical exploration methodologies for imaging invisible subsurface structure in nondestructive way using seismic, electromagnetic, and geodetic means. |
Studies concerning the structure of underground space and its design, aiming at upgraded technologies of resource exploitation in harmony with the environment as well as the effective use of underground space. |
Studies concerning the development of non-destructive inspection technologies and plans of operation and maintenance, for purposes of security and energy-saving of both the underground structures and resource exploitation systems. |
Department of Urban Management
Chair/Laboratory | |
Earth Resource Sciences |
Studies on "Engineering Geology" based on knowledge of geo-sciences, aiming at exploration/development of energy resources, underground sequestration of green house gases, and mitigation of natural disasters. |
Studies concerning the conservation system of the Earth's crust, encompassing use of underground space for energy-related purposes and its design technology, behavioural assessment of underground water and clarification of mass transfer phenomenon, cleanup technologies of contaminated soil. |
Department of Energy Science and Technology
Chair/Laboratory | |
Resources and Energy |
Studies concerning next-generation energy, metallic eco-materials and rock fracture mechanisms for provision of resources and energy as well as their saving in the near future. |
Studies of the comprehensive process of resources and energy from a theoretical as well as practical perspective, using numerical simulations based on computational physics. |
Studies aiming at the establishment of the harmonious process with the earth environment, the energy system of solar hydrogen and their application to space resource technologies. |