Our philosophy
Philosophy of Earth Resources and Energy Engineering (EREE)
Earth Resources and Energy Engineering is a "basic" engineering that supports the daily life of humans and the foundation of the industries.
Humans, throughout their history, have mined useful stones, soils, and metals from the Earth in order to make materials and things. Humans have maintained their activity by using oil, coal, water, uranium, etc as the energy resources. It is the EREE that develops technologies to supply natural resources and energy, which are the foundation of human's daily life and industries.
Earth Resources and Energy Engineering is a "harmony" engineering that bears the sustainable growth of humankind.
We are now facing the problems related to our own fate, which are the exhaustion of natural resources and the environmental destructions brought by mass production and the mass consumption. It is the EREE that seeks solutions to these problems with keeping harmony between the Earth and humans.
Earth Resources and Energy Engineering is a "general" engineering that appreciates the benefit from the Earth.
It is now required not to impose a large burden on the Earth by thorough resource-saving and energy-saving, which are achieved by extending the things life, reusing and recycling them. It is the EREE that protects the environment of the Earth and makes comprehensive approaches to the wisdom to use natural resources and energy carefully.
Earth Resources and Energy Engineering is a "creative" engineering that seeks new ways of using geo-space.
It is desired to extend the frontier of human activity not only on the Earth's surface but also in the oceans and the underground. It is the EREE that creates the new geo-space.
Earth Resources and Energy Engineering is a "future" engineering that seeks new natural resources and energy.
It is not only important to develop the already found natural resources and energy effectively, but it is also necessary to develop the new energy resources such as marine energy, geothermal energy and space energy. It is the EREE that challenges to develop the future energy.