After Graduation
After graduation, most students of the Environmental Engineering Course go on to the 2 year master’s course. Most graduate students belong to the Department of Environmental Engineering in the Graduate School of Engineering, the Department of Socio Environmental Energy Science in the Graduate School of Energy Science, and the Graduate School of Global Environmental Studies. Students will work on individual research topics in their individual labs while obtaining advanced knowledge through courseworks. Students can obtain their master's degree by organizing their research into a thesis. Three more years of research and courseworks are required to obtain a doctoral degree.
More than 90% of the students in the Undergraduate School of Global Engineering advance to the Graduate Schools of Kyoto University related to environmental engineering. Many of them learn environmental engineering and other wide range of knowledge, and experience plenty of latest research activities for 6 years in total. After finishing the master's program, about 35% work at manufacturing companies and about 15% work as governmental officials. It is a characteristic of our department that more than 10% of the students go to the doctoral program, and students work at universities and research institutes after finishing Ph.D. program.
See Entrance Exam Information and Educational Advancement/ Employment Information page on the School of Global Engineering website.