About your student visa extension
International Students must go through the procedure for Student Visa extension two to three weeks prior to the expire date.
Following is the application flow for the Student Visa extension
- Complete the application form for extension or change of status and send it to the Office of Global Engineering via e-mail to otbain an official seal of the Dean of Faculty of Engineering. (It requires 2 to 3 working days to receive an official seal of the Dean.)
- Prepare following documents
- completed application form
- valid Residence Card
- valid Passport
- National Health Insurance Card
- Facial Photograph (4cm in height x 3 cm in width)
- Revenue Stamp of 4,000 Japanese Yen
- Certificate of Enrollment & Transcript of Academic Record (available from the automatic documents issuing machine)
- Scholarship Certificate to be issued by the Foreign Student Division (applicable for MEXT scholarship or JASSO Honors scholarship students, etc.).
See following link to see the information on location of the Immigration Bureau.
After you have finished the procedure, please bring your renewed residence card to Office of Global Engineering.