Kim Gyeongsoo くん(高岡研所属)らが27th Korea-Japan Joint International Session of Korea Society of Waste ManagementにてAward for Excellent Poster Presentationを受賞(2023年9月12日)

Kim Gyeongsoo くん(高岡研所属)らが27th  Korea-Japan Joint International Session of Korea Society of Waste ManagementにてAward for Excellent Poster Presentationを受賞しました。(2023年9月12日)
 題名: Effect of Electron Donor Additives to Sewage Sludge on Biomethanation of Gaseous Carbon dioxide (CO2)
 著者: Kim Gyeongsoo, Kazuyuki Oshita, Masaki Takaoka
掲載誌:Proceedings of the 2023 Spring Conference of the Korea Society of Waste Management/The 27th Korea-Japan International Symposium of the Korea Society of Waste Management, p.384
