Educational Advancement / Employment Conditions
About 90% of the students who graduate from the School of Global Engineering move onto do master's studies. The graph shows the course taken by the 178 fourth year students in the School of Global Engineering in 2009, as of the end of March 2010. There is very little difference in the rate of educational advancement and employment.
Courses taken by fourth year students (2010)
The actual records of the Graduate School courses enrolled in by the Global Engineering graduates as of 2010 are shown below. Cases of students moving on to graduate courses in other schools are extremely rare.
About 10% of Global Engineering students do not move onto a graduate program but start working as soon as they graduate from their undergraduate departments.
Graduates of previous departments of Global Engineering such as Civil Engineering, Transportation Civil Engineering, Resources Engineering and Public Health Engineering go on to thrive in careers that are either in the core of government administration or in consulting. They also find occupations in and out of their home countries in educational research organizations and basic corporations that are involved in Environmental Engineering, Resources Engineering and Civil Engineering. Graduates including those from masters studies mainly move onto private enterprises. These include district office positions in city halls, research and education institutions, and ministries and government offices in areas such as the Ministry of Environment, the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transportation, and the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology. Positions in construction, road, rail, communication, electric, gas, raw material industries, oil resources, environmental systems, consulting, and "think tank" firms are also sought after.